August 2024 - Present
Research Assistant
UCF Center for Research in Computer Vision
At the UCF CRCV Lab, I worked with advanced computer vision models to improve 3D pose estimation tasks and apply them to quantify human movement control for patients.
- Tailored Meta AI's Sapiens Pose and Depth Estimation models to estimate 3D pose keypoints in hand-object interactions, facilitating precise identification of contact points.
- Trained U-Net architecture for semantic segmentation on Pascal VOC, achieving 63.2 mIoU accuracy.
August 2023 - July 2024
Software Engineering Intern
Dynamic Animation Systems
My first software engineering internship was at DAS, where I worked with a range of technologies, from Hugging Face and Langchain for Natural Language Processing and LLM training, to JetBrains MPS, the Truffle Language Implementation Framework, and ANTLR for designing and building domain-specific languages.
- Fine-tuned the Mistral-7B Large Language Model (LLM) to understand and generate dynamic simulation scenario files.
- Enhanced a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) in JetBrains MPS to streamline behavior models between a web server and a behavior engine.
- Developed a Truffle-based interpreter running on GraalVM, achieving a 500% performance boost by integrating JMH benchmarking.